

Weekend Happenings

Yay, it's Friday! And Halloween is just around the corner, so I better get me kiddo's costumes made. I think we finally have an idea. I'm the dorky mom that makes my kids wear costumes that go together. Last year they were famous paintings, he year before, they were a BLT and here's a whole bunch of costumes I've made over the years.

I've got a couple fun things going on this weekend.

1.  If you are local, I'm organizing an Instagram Meet Up downtown Bakersfield tomorrow morning. We are meeting at Dagney's Coffee at 10 am.  Come meet your instagram friends in person.  Learn some phone photography tips and tricks and just help us make Bakersfield look COOL!

2.  I've got a Sven Clog GIVEAWAY going on right now!!!! Head over to Instagram to enter!

Here's a few great posts you might want to check out this weekend:

These printable straw flags, adorbs.

I already have all the supplies for these color blocked candles, totally making some.

Ooh, I love me a FIMO craft.

And this Halloween floral arrangement is gorgeous.

If you are anything like me, taking care of yourself is your last priority.  I'm printing this and sticking it on the fridge.

If you are a blogger and creative entrepreneur and are thinking about attending a creative conference, this post is a must-read.

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