

DIY Sassy Trick or Treat Bags

If you haven't figured out your kid's Halloween costumes yet, don't feel bad, I still need to make my kid's costumes this week. But, if you have planned ahead and have costumes already made or bought for your kids, you might like to make these super easy, somewhat sassy trick or treat bags.

These bags can be made in just a couple minutes, with just a few supplies.  And you can add your on custom saying, like "Smell My Feet", "Just Treats", "Gimme Gimme", or "Treat Yo Self". Halloween is the perfect occasion to be a little sassy pants and rude in a fun way.

Here's what you'll need:

Design Master's Colortool Spray Paint in Flat White
Black canvas bags
2" letter stickers
white craft paint
a small plastic cup and plastic fork

Start by adhering your letter stickers on the front of the bag.  Be sure to press firmly on the edges of all the letters, so that paint can't get under the edges.

Place newsprint or cardboard inside the bag to insure that the paint doesn't run through to the other side of the bag.

Start at the bottom of the bag and layer the paint moving towards the top of the bag. Allow the paint to dry between coats. I love Design Master Colortool paint for this reason, it layers in nice even thin coats and dries very quickly.  To achieve the dusty white effect of these bags, I sprayed the bags with 3 coats of spray paint.

I wanted these trick or treat bags to have an erie night sky effect, so I added a little speckling of white splattered paint. I mixed 2 part white craft paint with 1 part water and then splattered it with a fork.

When the paint is dry, you can remove the letter stickers.  And now you are ready for trick or treating in style.

I had fun hunting down black and white candy that wasn't black licorice!


I buy my Design Master paints and my local Michaels. Design Master paints can paint the most delicate of surfaces, such as silk and fresh flowers, fabric, ribbon, tulle, lace, paper, foam board and Stryrofoam TO the sturdy hard surfaces such as wood, metal, masonry, terra cotta, ceramics and plaster. Design Master is a great resource for products and ideas.  Be sure to check out all the craft and project ideas on their blog.  

This post is sponsored by Design Master. All opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible. 

1 comment:

  1. I saw the pic of the completed bags on Instagram and had to see how it was done. What a great treat bag! Thanks for sharing. 😊
