

Master Bedroom Update

About a month ago, I decided I wanted to finally get rid of my dated wrought iron, scrolly bed frame and give my bedroom a mini makeover. I haven't liked it for a few years, but didn't have a replacement plan.  I didn't have a new one picked out yet, but I decided the first step would be to sell the old one first.  So, I listed it on my facebook and sold it in an hour.  Then I was on the hunt for a new bed.  I really wanted something without a foot board.  For a while I thought I might enjoy an upholstered headboard.  But, they seem to be everywhere right now, so I decided I'd go with something a little different.  I found this gorgeous brass bed frame at West Elm and was instantly in love.  When I bought it, it was on clearance, but now they seem to have it back in stock and it's full price again.  

I think this bed is a really great match for my two thrift store nightstands  The headboard has a beautiful curve to it, but its  My room feels like a brand new space, and I didn't even change the bedding.  I just added a pink pillow and a couple new prints to the gallery wall above my bed. Minted has an amazing selection of art prints.  I chose a couple of their photography prints to bring a little more life to my gallery wall.  This Pink Cactus and the California Succulent photography art prints complimented the pieces I already had on the wall.

And here's a quick look at the rest of the room, so you can get a better idea of the space.  We used to have a rug under the bed.  But, it was tired and worn.  I'm actually loving the room without a rug.  It feels clean and lighter. 

Our room feels like a brand new space and all we changed was the bed frame and added a pillow and a couple prints.  Change feels good, even if it's just the simplest adjustments.  My husband says he's a modern man, so the tiny itty bitty bit of pink is just fine with him.  I want the space to feel like it's both of our space, bits of me and pieces of him.

Are you a fan of a gallery wall?

1 comment:

  1. what a gorgeous bed! I haven't even noticed it at west elm before...but it's gonna be flying outta those stores when people see your room. love it's modern shape, but a little more glamorous! love the gallery wall...nice mix of new and old.
