

Brass + Copper Beds

Ok, lets talk about brass bed frames and how the don't have to feel straight out of the 80's and early 90's.  For the last decade or more, everyone has been painting brass beds white or poppy colors like teal and yellow.  I say, stop painting and embrace the marvelous metallics.

The shape does matter, in my opinion.  I recently got rid of my scrolly metal bed and replaced it with a bed that has gorgeous straight modern lines in brass.  If you stick with a simple straight shape, a brass bed doesn't have to feel like it's your grandma's.  I think these clean shapes will be classic and timeless.

Ok and maybe even better then brass, copper.  Holy Cow, I need a guest room so I can get mya hands on these gorgeous copper master pieces?

Copper and pink - does it get any better?

So what do you think?  Can metallic bed frames feel modern and fresh, or is it hard for you to see past the dated brassyness?  

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Everything comes back in style at some point, so it doesn't seem dated to me. I think the clean lines help modernize the look.
