

10 Stylish Items To Get Your Home Organized

I don't know about you, but I'm in full force Spring cleaning mode. Once the Christmas decorations were down, I wanted to clear clutter and purge my closets.  How is it that we collect so much "junk" over the years? I don't want all the stuff that is in my house, but somehow is just ends up here. In the last 2 weeks, I've filled 6 large garbage bags with stuff I don't need in my life.  Most of it will be donated. But, some of it is going to my studio where I'm going to have a little prop sale. If you're local, keep your eye out, I'll be posting about the sale soon. You guys, I have some great stuff, I just don't have space for it. And I'm definitely a believer in the theory that your home is a reflection of your life.  It really applies to me folks.  If my closets are messy and my counters are cluttered, it's usually because I'm feeling tired, stressed, or just not taking care of myself. When my house is clean and organized, I feel more relaxed and ready to take on the world.

Now that I've purged quite a bit, I'm ready to bring order to the things I'm keeping. I did a little online window shopping and found 10 stylish items that will help you get more organized.  These are all items I'd happily put to use in my home. Organizing doesn't have to been yucky plastic bins, it can be done it a beautiful way.

So, happy organizing friends.

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