

The Week's End

Well, can you believe it's just two weeks till Christmas? I'm far from being ready. I haven't even baked a single cookie yet. That's so wrong. Usually by this time of the year, my freezer is stocked with dozens of holiday treats. I'll get there. This weekend I'm back in Northern California, at my parent's place. I'm helping my mom cook for their church's Christmas banquet. Today I'm working on lot's of fun fancy desserts.

Also, last week I shared that we are dealing with some health issues with Denali. Early next week, we are heading to Cedars-Sinai Hospital to see a specialist. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.  It's been a couple of back to back tough, real-life crap in the McConnel home. I'm sure you can relate, it happens to us all at times? I'm in one of those "when it rains it pours" spots in life. Just in case you thought my life was perfect, it's far from. I want to say thanks for all your support for my little blog and what I'm trying to do here.  I'm looking for the positives in each day and feeling grateful for all that is good in my life.

Have a great weekend friends. If you are looking for some weekend inspiration, here's what caught my eye in the blog world this week:

Could I please be invited to this gorgeous little get together?

I love these creative ideas for gift wrapping.

I want this cute festive holiday manicure.

I can't get enough of marble, even if it's faux marble.

And I want all my gift wrapped in this gorgeous floral wrapping paper.

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