

The Week's End

Well, this week flew by.  It's all kind of blur. I know I worked every second I wasn't sleeping, but I honestly can't tell you what I accomplished. I did spend all day yesterday at my church decorating it for Christmas. We used eucalyptus everywhere!!!! It smells so good in there.

Just last month, Denali found out that she can start weening off her back brace.  We are so pumped. But, then the last couple of weeks we've had another weird health issue with her that we are waiting to hear results from tests. Nothing wrecks a mom like worry. My head isn't fully in the game this week as a result. We are praying for good news this morning.

I haven't put up any decorations at all, it's kind of making me sad. I'm hoping it will happen Sunday. Tomorrow I have someone coming to photograph my whole house (super exciting), so today I will be cleaning ALL DAY! I may make my family sleep at a hotel tonight, just kidding, but kind of not.

Here's what caught my eye on the internet this week:

This colorful living room reveal.
I'm totally making a set of these for my bathroom, maybe with metallic gold paint.
I love this graphic bold DIY wrapping paper.
This can be my wish list too.
I'm probably going to have to make a pair of these adorable eye slippers.
This colorful Advent Calendar is really fun.
And finally a fun vintage ornament Phone Wallpaper to bring a little cheer.

Have a great weekend friends!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, mama. Thanks for the link love. And all the other things!! xo
