

5 Tips for a Better Night's Sleep

This might show my age, but sleep doesn't come as easily as it used to. Don't get me wrong, I'm tired, really tired most of the time, but sleep just doesn't come easily.  Sleep is so important, when I wake up from a well rested night, I'm ready to take on the world. So, today I'm sharing about our new mattress from Eve and I few other little tricks that are helping me hit those REMs. 

5 Tips for a Better Night's Sleep

1.  Move - If I have exercised and been active during the day, even if it's just a 30 minute walk, my body is more apt to relax. I'm one of those folks that can have twitchy, restless legs at night. If I haven't exercises sometime during the day this seems to be worse at night.  

Lately, my life has felt too crazy busy to exercise. I hate that. I really need to make it more of a priority. Taking an hour or even just 30 mins to walk around my neighborhood feels luxurious. 

2.  Scent - This really works for me. I'm all about a couple drops of lavender essential oil on my pillow or in the diffuser. I am very sensitive to smells, good ones and bad ones. Having one scent that takes me to restful sleep is really helpful. I don't understand the science behind it, but my mind associates the soft scent of lavender with sleep.  I also make sure to wash my sheets often, at least once a week. There is nothing like slipping into fresh crisp sheets - it's one of my favorite things in life.

3.  Mattress and Pillow - It matters, the quality and age of your mattress and pillows. In my 20s, it didn't matter what I slept on. But, recently we upgraded our very sad, poor quality mattress to an Eve mattress. What a difference! After having 3 kids, my lower back is a mess and I've been sleeping like a baby on this comfy yet supportive mattress. I love their 100-night free trial where if you don't absolutely fall in love with you Eve mattress, you can send it back free of charge with a full refund. Eve's philosophy is 'every great day starts the night before'. I can't agree more.

Just like your back needs support, so does your neck and head. Pillows can lose their support as well. I'm a huge fan of a thin down pillow, but after a couple of years, they lose their loft. 

4.  Temperature  - There is nothing worse then trying to sleep when you are hot or cold. Temperature can interrupt and disturb your sleep. I love a down duvet, I've slept with one since I was a kid. I love the weight of it on me as a sleep. For some reason the down comforter is cool enough in the summer and warm enough in the winter. Although our house has air conditioning, in the summer, I have a little stand up fan beside our bed. And in the winter, I pile a heavy wool blanket on my side of the bed. Paying attention to the temperature of the room before you go to bed, can help you have a restful, uninterrupted night.

5. Peace - The mind has such power over our sleep. I cannot sleep if I have turmoil in my relationships, especially with my husband. I find it so important to make peace with the ones you love before you hit the pillow. I'm not saying that all problems can be resolved by the end of the day. But, letting my family know I love them and hearing that same in return is assuring and brings me peace of mind. I'm guaranteed a very rough night if I'm angry or fighting with the ones I love. 

It was fun to unwrap our Eve mattress. I love that it can be delivered right to our front door without a fancy delivery service or awkward moving men. We made a little video of us unwrapping our new mattress. It was fun to watch it grow. 


  1. I love the lavender scent tip!! This makes me want a new mattress and a nap!

    1. I wanna get in there right now!!!! Too many things to accomplish before I can nap. I know you get that.

  2. I've heard of these mattresses! They seem really great. How soft/firm would you say it is? Also, great tips! Scent, exercise, and peace are my big ones too. I CANNOT fall asleep if I'm angry, upset, or worried. Gotta sort that stuff out before hitting the hay!

    1. So true, I can lay there for hours with my head spinning and re-thinking all the things a said and did.

      The mattress is quite firm, but the top layer is memory foam, so it's very soft and easy on the joints.

  3. This is the prettiest matters I've ever seen, first of all (bright pop of yellow!). And I'm starting to sleep worse all the time maybe I should start to try some of these tips!

  4. I'm a HUGE lavender person as well. I've never heard of the eve mattresses - I'm definitely going to be checking that out, it sounds divine!!!

  5. What kind of diffuser do you use? I've been looking to buy one, but I fell like most are so tacky looking! Also any oil recommendations? Hoping for good news for Denali!

    1. It's from Young Living Oils. And thanks for the well wishes for Denali.

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