

Tween Boy's Bedroom

This Summer Dylan turned 13, how can my little boy be in Jr. High?  He is such a good kid, he works hard at school and is a pretty fun kid to be around. He was ready to make his bedroom to feel a little more grown up. We haven't changed a thing in his room for more then 4 years, expect his closet did get a little makeover.  Even though he is still a huge Star Wars fan, he was ready for a change.  So, we are taking on a little makeover to transition this kiddo from little boy to teenager. We picked out bedding and a few pieces that will feel more grown up and less little boy. And to be honest, I'd happily have all of these pieces in my bedroom. He's getting some really cool stuff for The Land of Nod. I may be stealing the gold lamp and rug for myself.

The walls are a bright white and the chalk board paint is gone. The room is feeling bigger and brighter.

13 is an awkward age to be and Jr. High can be rough. But, Dylan's reaction to this new plan was "SICK!!! This is going to be awesome!".  I'm excited for him to have this new, refreshed space.  

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