

Bold Black and White Walls

I hope you've had a great week. I'm pretty excited that the weekend is here.  I need some down time, but I'm pretty sure that I'll just have to settle for playing catch-up. Can you relate? This whole mom gig is really getting in the way of blogger (tee hee). I'm tired and we are about to start the busiest time of the year. Ok, I'm not complaining, well maybe a little bit. 

So, just for a minute, let's ignore the laundry that needs to be put away, the floors that need to be swept and the bathroom sink that needs to be cleaned. Let's pretend we have lot's of extra time for projects and crafts. If I had that wonderful extra time, I might like to recreate a bold, graphic black and white wall, like one of the ones below.

Do you have a favorite?  I love the criss cross one a lot.  It's busy, but it sure would be fun to replicate somewhere in my home.

Happy weekend friends, and don't forget to enter the $150 Minted Giveaway over on Instagram.  

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