

DIY Grid Patterned Pillows

I'm so in love with all things grid patterned.  I might have a pillow problem, but don't most women.
These new DIY Grid Patterned Pillows I made are my new favorites.  You'll be seeing a lot of them.
They kind of work well in every room in our house.  That's the beauty of black and white and a simple pattern like grid, it works with every style and color palette.

You only need to know how to sew a straight line to get these high end looking throw pillows.  Head over to Curbly to see the full how-to tutorial!  I promise, these really are cheap and easy to make!!!! 


  1. will you make me a set?? I'm starting to get a bad reputation with all my grandma chic choices... maybe some modern pillow will distract the eye....

  2. haha... that wasn't jayson. he was signed into google. he would be appalled if he knew i was commenting about grandma chic under his name!

