

DIY Christmas Ornaments: Glittered Maps

Well, obviously I have neglected my blog lately.  I truly have had NO time.  I am have missed blogging.  I mentioned earlier that I was making costumes for a Christmas program.  That ate up a week and a half.  Then I have had company, travelled to San Fran, and had no husband this last weekend.  And on top of it all there is all the Christmas shopping, baking, partying, and planning.  I always set unrealistic goals for myself (like handmade gifts - what was I thinking?)  Oh and not to leave Olivia out, I have a 2 month old baby!  In the middle of all of this, I want to remember the reason for the season.  Christmas is a lot of work for moms.  I'm sure all of you are feeling the pressure to get everything done.

I made these map ornaments 2 weeks ago and have been trying to find time to share them with you.  Thanks to my very faithful few that come back and see if I have blogged anything new, you are appreciated.  I am going to set another unrealistic goal for myself, and attempt to cram in lots of blog entries before Christmas.

These a super simple.  I bought the paper ornament forms at Michaels for 69 cents each.  For one ornament I used a California road map and the other I used the Europe part of an old wall map from school.  Choose maps that have meaning or significance to you. You simply tear the maps into small pieces and then in layers, attach them to the ornament with Mod Podge until the entire surface is covered.  Once they are dry I covered both with clear crystal glitter.

So what crazy goals have you set for yourself?  Leave me a comment, I want to know that I am not the only crazy one out there.

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  1. You also left out packing for your family of five to DRIVE to Idaho! You amaze me! Merry Christmas:)

  2. True, thanks for the reminder. I better get on that.

  3. I think that is my crazy goal, trying to get all the clothes and suitcase into a reasonable amount of suitcases (since we have to PAY) for our flight to Seattle!

  4. I love the map ornaments you made in your 'spare time' can't wait for you to get to IDAHO....Linda M.

  5. Not going to pack much, staying at Grandma's so we can do laundry.

  6. my motto in life is, "simplify" (yet make it special). i feel it's better to be calmer, happy, and helpful, than to have a mile long to-do list and be stressed and crabby. take one day at a time- it will all get done in the end! somedays you just need a nap, a coffee, or time to catch up on blog reading! ;)
